(330)452-8271 • 2107 6TH STREET SW, CANTON, OHIO, 44706 • OFFICES@HCSCANTON.ORG
Portrait of a Graduate
Welcome to Heritage Christian Preschool. We are so happy you are considering our preschool for your child. We know that you will be very pleased with the quality of care yo hards . We recognize the value of educati

Each child is a special gift from God. We believe that Christian education is the best way to guide children in developing their God-given talents and abilities. Each family plays a vital role in the way a child develops. Parental involvement is extremely important. We respect and support the family and pledge to work closely with parents to aid them in the healthy development of each child.
We believe that children should be exposed to a variety of hands-on learning experiences in order to enhance their knowledge and understanding of shapes, colors, numbers, letters, and other cognitive skills. Children will also work to improve their fine/gross motor skill development and their social interaction with others.
Heritage Christian Preschool is in a unique position to reinforce the efforts of the Christian home and church to train children to love, trust and serve the Lord. We will adhere to the authority and teachings of the Holy Bible.
We will encourage an enthusiasm for learning through a variety of hands-on activities. Children will also learn through the use of drama, music, and play.
Our teachers encourage participation in group activities and stress the importance of getting along with other children. Manners are taught and used on a daily basis.
The preschool setting will help children learn to recognize a variety of emotions. They will also learn appropriate responses to their emotions.
Children will be encouraged to participate in activities to develop large and small muscle coordination and motor skills.